
Attendance Hotline

Please text the hotline at 512-808-0062 with the reason why your student will be late or absent. Please do not submit parent or doctor notes on the hotline. Also, you are not able to sign out a student on the hotline. Please call 512-414-8600 to sign your student out if they are leaving campus after arriving. 

Submit an attendance note

If your student is absent a portion or the full day please submit a note using the Report an Absence on the AISD website. Or download the Report an Absence form and email to

*Note: A gmail account will be needed to access and fill out the report an absence on the website. Also, please make sure to attach any supporting documentation like a doctor's note.

For frequently asked questions please view here


  • Attendance is taken in the first 5 minutes of each period.
  • If a student first arrives at school after 9:05a.m., they must sign-in and get a tardy pass from the main office.
  • If a student is more than 30 minutes late to other class periods, they will be marked ABSENT by the teacher.

Sign-out procedures

When the parent/guardian is coming to pick up

the student for an appointment or other circumstance.

  • Enter the main office and present your driver's license or any official identification like a passport.
  • The office staff will complete the checkout process to document the student's departure from campus.

Every Day Counts

Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Austin ISD students. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit. Please contact campus administration for assistance with attendance matters, especially if your student’s attendance falls below 90%. Campus administration is committed to working with students and families to support consistent attendance and ongoing access to school. 


VOE If your student is needing a Verification of Enrollment for a driver's permit or license please fill out the google doc

Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law. For more information visit the district's attendance page.


Elsa Elia Martinez

Ms. Elsa Elia Martinez

Attendance Specialist III